
lgbt divorce ireland
Since the historic Marriage Equality Referendum in 2015, same-sex couples in Ireland have enjoyed the legal right to marry. However, as with any relationship, some marriages unfortunately end in separation and divorce. This article outlines the legal framework for LGBT and same-sex divorce in Ireland, the specific considerations that may arise, and hopefully will assist...
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high asset divorce case study
Woman must pay former husband €1.6m as part of divorce settlement, judge rules This is not a headline that one reads in the Irish Times every day. Despite the headline, the article very clearly sets out the reasons behind the judgement. As ever, I wanted to look at the source judgment (which is available on...
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Four Courts Dublin
This is the headline in a recent Irish Times Article. It raised a few questions for me so I decided to read the judgement and assess whether there are any lessons we can learn from this case. Is there something that people going through the divorce process can gain from reading this case? I am...
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Qualities to look for in a Divorce Lawyer in Ireland
Facing the Emotional and Legal Challenges of Divorce When you have decided that your marriage has come to an end, it is obviously a very traumatic and difficult period in your life. After going through the usual denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance cycle of grief, the next step is often exploration of the legal...
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Forensic Accountant for High Asset Divorce
The Importance of Forensic Accountants in High-Asset Divorce As a young family law solicitor, when I dealt with my first high-asset divorce case, I was surprised with the advice that my barrister in the case first provided me. They advised that I immediately contact a certain Forensic Accountant so that we could “claim” her and...
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Divorce Entitlements Ireland
As a family law solicitor specializing in divorce, I deal with a lot of clients and inquiries. It’s surprising how many people think dividing assets in a divorce is simple. Let me clarify—it’s not. In my experience, it can often be quite complex. If there were a straightforward, one-size-fits-all formula, we’d be out of work....
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The Complexity of Dividing Assets in Divorce Such a seemingly simple question, but not such a simple answer. “How are assets divided in a divorce in Ireland?” As a family law solicitor, I hear this question almost daily, and I’ll be frank – if there were a simple formula, I’d be out of a job....
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What Happens to A Family Business in Divorce in Ireland
The Importance of Family Businesses in Ireland As we all know, family businesses are the lifeblood of the Irish economy. Some people have spent their life building this business and it represents more than just the income derived from it. It can have huge emotional significance. This is further multiplied when the business has been...
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Marriage Breakdown and When to Divorce Ireland
There are approximately 6,000 divorces in Ireland every year. This figure is pretty static, and despite perceptions, there is no significant increase in marital breakdown in Ireland. However, undoubtedly everyone knows someone who has or is going through a divorce. Equally, every spouse knows that it is not inconceivable that it could end up happening...
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Questions to ask your family law solicitor
When facing the prospect of divorce in Ireland, the road ahead can seem daunting. Your family law solicitor is your guide through the maze of legal procedures. This can be a confusing and challenging time so it’s important to have a frank, open chat with your solicitor and to ask the right questions. Here we...
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