When marriages end, for most people the most obvious financial problem facing them is that two homes will now have to be paid for. The next problem to consider is what is to happen to the family home? For example, if the Family Home is worth €600k with 50k owed on the mortgage, will one...Read More
A frequent question I am often asked from separating couples is :- If we have an agreement why can’t we just put it in writing and get a once over from a solicitor and sign it and let that be it. I wish to explain why solicitors can seem to make very simple things very...Read More
People have said to us is that making that decision to end a marriage is the hardest decision they have ever made in their life. When people do make that difficult decision, they wonder how has the Process changed because of the Pandemic? Is the present process different? Yes it is. For one thing,...Read More
I hear this question from two competing perspectives. The First is the person who feels that they have made some bad choices during their marriage and have sleepless nights thinking that the circuit family court will be their judgement day. The Second is the person who feels that they have been wronged in the marriage ...Read More